maandag, mei 31, 2010
peilloze honger
hij denkt als een ijsbeer op zijn achterpoten te staan
en te snuffelen aan ieder gat in het gebouw
op zoek naar iets eetbaars van vlees en bloed
iets wat zijn vacht vetter maakt en zijn leven warmer
binnen wordt gewerkt voor sterren hormonen en
dankbaar ontvangt men de vleestaart
zonder verlossing wordt onrustig gedroomd
van gesnuif van een ijsbeer die hongert
Mouse speak 13
Reworking of this picture from this website.Click on the picture to enlarge. Copyright Villa La Repubblica 2010.
[In this series I rework pictures from the internet, using my mouse and the paint facility. I use the search engine Alltheweb to find pictures for me. I use existing words from the Dutch dictionary and encyclopaedia to have the search engine find pictures for me. Usually it finds unexpected things. I also use Wikipedia pictures now and then. Click here and scroll to see the whole series.]
Time to move on to a real word. I typed ‘acacia’ to see what kind of pictures my search engine would find for me. It was not really astonishing it found quite a lot of pictures about trees. More specifically of course acacia trees. But there was also a series of pictures about tomb-stones in a Chicago cemetery and there were also quite some maps.
But let’s start with the acacia trees. I chose a picture of an acacia in a dry African landscape. It is not a brilliant picture but it shows everything which is remarkable in such a landscape: thorny acacias which provide some shade, thorny scrubs, yellow grass and sun-baked arid dusty soil. And a blue sky with some clouds that will evaporate before they have the slightest idea of losing their rain.
Looking at the picture i found there is a quaint resemblance between the clouds and the acacias. They are the main actors in the picture, they both exist and grow in spite of the aridity of the landscape and against all odds. I gave them the burning red colour that would suit them more.
Labels: Mouse Speak
Walk the line in The Hague
Uw Villa heeft de opening van onderstaande tentoonstelling helaas gemist. Kunstenaars initiatief JCA de Kok heeft zijn ruimte weer eens onder handen laten nemen. Deze keer is dat gebeurd door twee Zeeuwse kunstenaars. Of dat enige worsteling heeft gegeven is niet duidelijk uit de plaatjes van de opbouw en de opening (hier op de site van JCA de Kok) maar bovengebleven zijn ze wel. Haagse kunst chroniqueur Kees Koomen toont als gebruikelijk enige plaatjes van de opening op zijn weblog.
De tentoonstelling is getiteld ‘Walk the Line’.
Uw Villa gaat spoedig een kijkje nemen. U ook?
Het werk is te zien tot en met 20 juni.
Zie hieronder een toelichting over de kunstenaars.
Harry Vandevliet en Mark van der Graaf, installatie
Installaties van Harry Vandevliet zijn in de jaren 80 en '90 in Den Haag te zien geweest bij o.a. de HCAK en Stroom. Met deze expositie komt Vandevliet terug naar Den Haag.
Harry Vandevliet (1947) toont in zijn kunstenaarspraktijk een jongensachtig bravoure, als van een jonge kunstenaar. Onbevangen en wars van dogma's reageert Harry in installaties op de sfeer, ruimte, afmetingen, incidenten en mensen, die verbonden zijn aan een bepaalde plek. Dit leidt vaak tot heldere, conceptuele werken waarin hij de werkelijkheid kantelt.
Het werk van Mark van der Graaff (1967) ontstaat in de ruimte die hij aangeboden krijgt. Soms komen zijn installaties voort uit een met grote concentratie uitgevoerde, nauwelijks zichtbare handeling, dan weer zijn ze het overblijfsel van een beweging door de ruimte waarbij hij met minimale middelen een spoor achterlaat. Het resulteert in fragiele constructies die zich fysiek maar net staande kunnen houden en balanceren op de rand van zichtbaarheid.
Op de Lange Beestenmarkt zullen beide kunstenaars zich door de omstandigheden laten prikkelen tot een uitdagend commentaar op de directe omgeving.
kunstenaarsinitiatief JCA DE KOK
lange beestenmarkt 99 2512 ed den haag 0614872795 vr-za-zo 13-17 uur en op afspraak
Labels: Beeldende kunst
maandag, mei 17, 2010
Collages du printemps 05
Not occupied; Niet bezet. Click on the picture to enlarge; Klik op het plaatje voor een vergroting; Copyright Villa La Repubblica 2010.
Klik hier om de hele serie te zien.
Klik hier om de hele serie te zien.
Labels: Collages, Collages du printemps
Mouse Speak 12
Click on the picture to enlarge. Copyright Villa La Repubblica 2010.
[In this series I rework pictures from the internet, using my mouse and the paint facility. I use the search engine Alltheweb to find pictures for me. I use existing words from the Dutch dictionary and encyclopaedia to have the search engine find pictures for me. Usually it finds unexpected things. I also use Wikipedia pictures now and then. Click here and scroll to see the whole series.]
As I said in Mouse Speak 09 Aba is also a city in Nigeria and a village in Hungary. I´ve taken a look at articles about both places in Wikipedia. The picture about Aba, Nigeria was extremely dull and uninspiring. The picture of the railway station in Aba, Hungary however had something wistful about it. So i used that one to rework. I thought it needed another colour and a treatment as if would go on a trip itself.
Labels: Mouse Speak
Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam
Klik op de plaatjes voor een vergroting.
Uw Villa ontving enige uitnodigingen voor de Kunstvlaai in Amsterdam. Hieronder de uitnodiging van Liesbeth Bos die gepaard ging met bovenstaand aantrekkelijk plaatje. Nog t/m 23 mei.Uitnodiging
Van 15 tot en met 23 mei is mijn werk te zien in de Zuiveringshal op de Kunst Vlaai 2010 in Amsterdam.
Op 19, 20, 22 en 23 mei ben ik zelf aanwezig. Je bent van harte welkom.
Liesbeth Bos
Opening 15 mei om 16.00 uur
Open dagelijks van 12.00 tot 18.00 uur
Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek
Haarlemmerweg 8-10
Labels: Beeldende kunst
zaterdag, mei 15, 2010
Collages du printemps 04
Occupied; Bezet. Click on the picture to enlarge; Klik op het plaatje voor een vergroting. Copyright Villa La Repubblica 2010.
Klik hier om de hele serie te zien.
Klik hier om de hele serie te zien.
Labels: Collages, Collages du printemps
Newly added links
(Daar er verwezen wordt naar buitenlandse/internationale sites en blogs, is deze post in het Engels) As there are some foreign/international sites and blogs mentioned here, this post is in English. Most pictures are from the mentioned sites and blogs.
It is about time to ad some new links in the side bar of this blog .
It’s already nearly two years ago I wrote about the Thunderbirds. Well I guess that is what happens with youth sentiment. In that article I mentioned a website which contains almost everything you always wanted to know about the Thunderbirds in particular and supermarionation in general. The site is made with great care and love and is in English.
For those who hate modern pop music which is hardly good enough to musically decorate a shopping mall with, or which is too monotonous to inspire you, dj Casper on The Hague Radio Tonka had a program for some months with more or less golden oldies. The programmes lasted an hour each and were full of music that may sound familiar or is completely unknown to you. You can still enjoy the music as for the time being the programmes can be heard on this site. Let it make your day!
And now for something completely different: do you plan to have a camping holiday in Spain, particularly in Asturia? In that case it might be interesting for you to keep an eye on this website. Astrid and Thomas are good friends of your Villa and Thomas even had an exhibition in Villa La Repubblica. Now they are trying to organize a campsite. For Dutch readers who want to follow the activities of the couple on a regular and detailed basis there is a blog here.
As regular readers of this blog (and especially of Van niets naar nergens) know, your Villa editor has a special relationship with Africa. Especially Zambia and Zimbabwe feature regularly in the Van niets naar nergens series.
For those who might be interested in Zambian news features, politics and economic and social development there are now two links to Zambian blogs in the side bar. The first is Zambia News Features which just brings you the news. Being used to postmodern populist politics and/or politics of the big mouth here in Western Europe it is interesting to read about the recent return from hospital of the Zambian vice president. In another development you can also read how Dutch do gooders are allegedly compromised in Zambia.
The other Zambian blog – Zambian Economist, run by Chola Mukanga, in spite of its title a very readable and interesting blog - is quite critical about the running of affairs in the country. It is interesting to compare the articles of both blogs. E.g. read about the widow of the late president Mwanawasa here in Zambia News Features and read a comment about that here in Zambian Economist.
As for Zimbabwe, you might find it interesting to see what is happening in that country as seen by a critical blogger in Zimbabwe itself. Denford Magora states the facts and gives his opinion about them. There seem to be very few Zimbabwean politicians who can do any good in Magora’s eyes, which is probably not that strange in a country which doesn’t seem to have any major politician with any charisma. Or maybe there is no place for political charisma as long as Mugabe is in charge.
On a brighter note, if you want to keep in touch with artistic events in Africa click to Africa Colours and take a regular look there. You find the link in the art & artists section in the sidebar. It tells you all about exhibitions of African works of art in Africa and elsewhere. Also festivals in Africa are announced and African artists are highlighted. The site covers Africa including the African Mediterranean countries.
Talking about Africa, Villa readers know your editor is a keen bird- and game watcher. Where else could you do that better than in Africa? Lynda is a zoologist studying dwarf mongoose in the South African Lowveld. She is living out in the bush in between nice and cuddly creatures like snakes, toads, spiders and other creepy crawlies. She uses her blog as a kind of diary in which she not only tells you about the mongooses, but also about daily life in the African bush and her fascination with all aspects of it.
One of the most interesting blogs to follow about African wildlife photography is Photo-Africa by Gerry van der Walt. (picture right: copyright Gerry van der Walt) On an almost daily basis he posts pictures of African game big and small, all taken in the wild. Your Villa editor enjoys them enormously as they remind him of experiences in the parks of Zambia and Zimbabwe, although Gerry is taking his pictures in South Africa. Now and then he also has a guest post e.g. this one by Karine Aigner who made some really breathtaking pictures about African wild dogs. I’ve seen these fascinating animals in the 1980’s in South Luangwa, Zambia (when they were still there), but from Aigner’s pictures you can almost sense the smell of them. But also take a look of Gerry’s own pictures which are sometimes very atmospheric, like these spotted hyenas in the mist on a wet African road in a cold and wet African morning.
Enough about Africa. An extremely interesting site for poetry and spoken language lovers is Poets from countries as near as your own or as far as Japan read their own poems, while you can read the same poem in suitable translation. Listen for instance here to Basque poet Kirmen Uribe reading his poem about the cuckoo and click on es, de or en to read the Spanish, German or English translation. Or listen to the great Hugo Claus reading his poem about West Flanders.
In the arts section of links in the sidebar many artists have been added. I’ll probably introduce a few of them in a later post.
It is about time to ad some new links in the side bar of this blog .
It’s already nearly two years ago I wrote about the Thunderbirds. Well I guess that is what happens with youth sentiment. In that article I mentioned a website which contains almost everything you always wanted to know about the Thunderbirds in particular and supermarionation in general. The site is made with great care and love and is in English.
For those who hate modern pop music which is hardly good enough to musically decorate a shopping mall with, or which is too monotonous to inspire you, dj Casper on The Hague Radio Tonka had a program for some months with more or less golden oldies. The programmes lasted an hour each and were full of music that may sound familiar or is completely unknown to you. You can still enjoy the music as for the time being the programmes can be heard on this site. Let it make your day!
And now for something completely different: do you plan to have a camping holiday in Spain, particularly in Asturia? In that case it might be interesting for you to keep an eye on this website. Astrid and Thomas are good friends of your Villa and Thomas even had an exhibition in Villa La Repubblica. Now they are trying to organize a campsite. For Dutch readers who want to follow the activities of the couple on a regular and detailed basis there is a blog here.
As regular readers of this blog (and especially of Van niets naar nergens) know, your Villa editor has a special relationship with Africa. Especially Zambia and Zimbabwe feature regularly in the Van niets naar nergens series.
For those who might be interested in Zambian news features, politics and economic and social development there are now two links to Zambian blogs in the side bar. The first is Zambia News Features which just brings you the news. Being used to postmodern populist politics and/or politics of the big mouth here in Western Europe it is interesting to read about the recent return from hospital of the Zambian vice president. In another development you can also read how Dutch do gooders are allegedly compromised in Zambia.
The other Zambian blog – Zambian Economist, run by Chola Mukanga, in spite of its title a very readable and interesting blog - is quite critical about the running of affairs in the country. It is interesting to compare the articles of both blogs. E.g. read about the widow of the late president Mwanawasa here in Zambia News Features and read a comment about that here in Zambian Economist.
As for Zimbabwe, you might find it interesting to see what is happening in that country as seen by a critical blogger in Zimbabwe itself. Denford Magora states the facts and gives his opinion about them. There seem to be very few Zimbabwean politicians who can do any good in Magora’s eyes, which is probably not that strange in a country which doesn’t seem to have any major politician with any charisma. Or maybe there is no place for political charisma as long as Mugabe is in charge.
On a brighter note, if you want to keep in touch with artistic events in Africa click to Africa Colours and take a regular look there. You find the link in the art & artists section in the sidebar. It tells you all about exhibitions of African works of art in Africa and elsewhere. Also festivals in Africa are announced and African artists are highlighted. The site covers Africa including the African Mediterranean countries.
Talking about Africa, Villa readers know your editor is a keen bird- and game watcher. Where else could you do that better than in Africa? Lynda is a zoologist studying dwarf mongoose in the South African Lowveld. She is living out in the bush in between nice and cuddly creatures like snakes, toads, spiders and other creepy crawlies. She uses her blog as a kind of diary in which she not only tells you about the mongooses, but also about daily life in the African bush and her fascination with all aspects of it.
One of the most interesting blogs to follow about African wildlife photography is Photo-Africa by Gerry van der Walt. (picture right: copyright Gerry van der Walt) On an almost daily basis he posts pictures of African game big and small, all taken in the wild. Your Villa editor enjoys them enormously as they remind him of experiences in the parks of Zambia and Zimbabwe, although Gerry is taking his pictures in South Africa. Now and then he also has a guest post e.g. this one by Karine Aigner who made some really breathtaking pictures about African wild dogs. I’ve seen these fascinating animals in the 1980’s in South Luangwa, Zambia (when they were still there), but from Aigner’s pictures you can almost sense the smell of them. But also take a look of Gerry’s own pictures which are sometimes very atmospheric, like these spotted hyenas in the mist on a wet African road in a cold and wet African morning.
Enough about Africa. An extremely interesting site for poetry and spoken language lovers is Poets from countries as near as your own or as far as Japan read their own poems, while you can read the same poem in suitable translation. Listen for instance here to Basque poet Kirmen Uribe reading his poem about the cuckoo and click on es, de or en to read the Spanish, German or English translation. Or listen to the great Hugo Claus reading his poem about West Flanders.
In the arts section of links in the sidebar many artists have been added. I’ll probably introduce a few of them in a later post.
Labels: Artikelen
zaterdag, mei 08, 2010
Mouse speak 11
Reworking of this picture from this website. Click on the picture to enlarge. Copyrigth Villa La Repubblica 2010
[In this series I rework pictures from the internet, using my mouse and the paint facility. I use the search engine Alltheweb to find pictures for me. I use existing words from the Dutch dictionary and encyclopaedia to have the search engine find pictures for me. Usually it finds unexpected things. I also use Wikipedia pictures now and then. Click here and scroll to see the whole series.]
As i explained in Mouse Speak 09 my search engine found different pictures on the word aba. Amongst them pictures of cars. I am not a car fan, neither am i interested in their technicalities, nor in their design (i think there hasn’t been any interesting car design since Citroën DS). Neither are the pictures i found about cars particularly interesting from an artistic point of view.
I used this picture because it shows us almost nothing. Our attention should probably be drawn to the cabriolet and its slick and smooth design. But all kinds of other things are happening in the back ground. However, because of the lack of colour and action there is an atmosphere of utter dullness in the whole picture. This dullness also has to do with the light. The picture was probably taken on a dull day. The only solution i had for reworking the picture was to conceive it as a kind of collage of things and shapes that might or might not have something to do with each other, isolating them like islands in an archipelago.
Labels: Mouse Speak
Doe een wens bij een put of val erin 031
Plaatjes uit: De Viridiaandinges van Marten Toonder.
het zit niet altijd mee
hij zegt dat hij een astro-fuck wil aanrichten en kotst op dat hele teringpubliek al
eeuwen sigaren en bont hij opent zijn gulp en pist in de hoek van de galerie
galeristen curatoren critici hij zegt ik fuck ze allemaal van achteren
wie nog aan de beurt wil moet maar wachten hij zegt wie veinst
ontroerd te zijn die zal de spijkers eten van mijn esthetica
het publiek glimlacht wat en vindt
het moet ook dansbaar zijn