Rest in peace or whatever...
30 jaar geleden werd John Lennon vermoord. Zoals prostaatlijders onder U en andere leeftijdgenoten zich wellicht kunnen herinneren, had Lennon de hebbelijkheid samen met Yoko Ono publiekelijk in een hotel in bed te blijven voor de vrede. Een 14 jarige jongen wist in Toronto tot de hotelkamer door te dringen, waar hij welwillend te woord werd gestaan door Lennon. De opname van het interview werd gebruikt voor onderstaand animatiefilmpje. Het filmpje is sprekender dan de woorden. Het filmpje bevat bovendien humor (wat je van de woorden van Lennon niet kunt zeggen). Het filmpje duurt dik 5 minuten...
30 years ago John Lennon was assassinated. As prostate sufferers amongst you and others of around the same age may remember, Lennon had the habit of staying in bed publicly with Yoko Ono in hotels to promote peace. A 14 year old boy in Toronto managed to get through to LennonĀ“s hotel room, where Lennon benevolently granted him an interview. The recorded interview was used for the animation film shown here. The movie is more eloquent than the words. The film has quite some humour too (which cannot be said about LennonĀ“s words). The movie takes about 5 minutes...
30 years ago John Lennon was assassinated. As prostate sufferers amongst you and others of around the same age may remember, Lennon had the habit of staying in bed publicly with Yoko Ono in hotels to promote peace. A 14 year old boy in Toronto managed to get through to LennonĀ“s hotel room, where Lennon benevolently granted him an interview. The recorded interview was used for the animation film shown here. The movie is more eloquent than the words. The film has quite some humour too (which cannot be said about LennonĀ“s words). The movie takes about 5 minutes...
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